UNIX as an IDE.
This title is a little bit misleading, as it is more about configuration and dotfiles hell more than anything else. To get a sense for the title of this post, I rather refer you to the article that inspired me to stay on the "path" <https://blog.sanctum.geek.nz/series/unix-as-ide/>.
What I do want to get across however, is the experience I have had while forcing myself to live on the console for the past three months. To be succinct, here's a semi-visual:
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chromium w3m
vim ed (1)
evince fbpdf
tmux screen
weechat senpai
thunderbird aerc
The tools above are just a highlight of the main tools that I've replaced in support of this move to the console. Ali Grudi's fb{pad,term,et.al} suite makes all of this possible, as well as the gnu coreutils stack.
BOTTOM LINE UP FRONT: The move to the console has been a joy.
Given this experience, you may wonder if there are things I would change ... and the answer is yes. I am currently experimenting with leveraging the Emacs Operating System to bind the entire system together, as the platform offers everything under the sink. More to follow.
- Mata ne!